The Referral Builder Program
The Referral Builder Program is a comprehensive, six-month training program designed for business professionals who want to add new clients through warm, qualified referrals. The program is designed for professionals who are charged with growing their business, but who may be disillusioned with networking events, cold calling and low-return prospecting activities. Group training workshops, ongoing follow-up and accountability coaching ensures that new business goals are achieved by design, not by chance. The result is more business with less selling.
Warm, qualified referrals are on the critical path for quickly landing new clients. But the problem has always been the lack of a systematic, strategic approach to consistently generate referrals…until now.
Using the program's proven system of templates and high-leverage activities, participants develop a flexible plan around a menu of options that fit their individual style and comfort level. Ongoing follow-up, teletraining, coaching and accountability tools help to ensure that qualified referrals and new business results are obtained by design, not by chance.
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